
Bag/Get demo display

NextJS 13



Everyone deserves dignity, especially those striving to provide for their families. Bag/Get is a SaaS aimed to optimize operations for food banks and food pantries so that they can focus more on the community.


This originally was a concept the team created for a competition that was sparked by using these services. After winning first place it opened the door to many more opportunities for us to build meaningful software.


Including the initial award we went and won the following awards:


The biggest challenge up to this point has to be understanding the food supplementation ecosystem. We’ve conducted dozens of interviews with food banks and pantries. Overall, through the time researching it has been a fun challenge determining our MVP features to maximize initial impact.

The Future

We are currently developing the MVP for Bag/Get and working with Larta Institute to run a pilot of our software. Stay tuned for any future updates relating to Bag/Get on our website or on LinkedIn.

Fun Fact

We came up with the name by accident while brainstorming. We were just throwing random names when we said "baguette" and in that moment everything clicked.